A variety of recycling opportunities
Recycling Map
We cannot accept:
- Televisions with tubes
- Computer monitors with tubes
- Tires
- household hazardous waste such as paint, chemicals, etc.
Electronic Recycling Sponsored by Keystone Enterprises
Time 9:00 am – 1:00 pm
Will be located on Elm St between Mulberry and Pecan
The event is open to individuals and businesses
We will accept: Full List Downloadable
- Anything powered by a cord or battery
- Small appliances
- Battery operated lawn equipment
- Electronics
- Computers, computer equipment including monitors without tubes
- Televisions – without tubes
- Batteries of any kind, including auto and marine
- Ammunition and firearms
- Large appliances (refrigerators and air conditioners must be drained of freon)
Paper Shredding – Sponsored by First United Bank – using MIDCON Shredding
Time 9:00 am – 12:00 pm
Will be located on Elm St between Mulberry and Pecan
MidCon can safely destroy just about any documents.
- Limit of 5 copier size boxes per vehicle.
- No trailers
- Sensitive documents like tax information
- Plan to drive through, have your vehicle unloaded and leave immediately.
- Those who want to watch their papers shredded will have to park off-site and walk back to watch.
- Recycling of newspapers & cardboard is available at the City of Sherman bins.
- Please have your items sorted before you arrive a the event.
Cartoon used with permission: Thanks very much Dave.
Check out more great cartoons at www.davegranlund.com
Unused Medication Collection – Sponsored by Sherman Police Department
Time 9:00 am – 4:00 pm
Will be located on Elm St between Mulberry and Pecan
Bring your expired or unused prescription drugs and other unwanted medications that have been piling up around your home and recycle them responsibly by bringing them to the Texoma Earth Day Festival. The environment will thank you!
Cardboard (flattened) – City of Sherman
Time: Roll-off Bin 9-4
City is providing a larger bin for Cardboard which will be located on Elm St between Mulberry and Pecan
- Please make sure boxes are flattened before arriving
American Textile Recycling Service
Time: Bins 9-4
Will be located on Elm St between Mulberry and Pecan
ATRC will be bringing brochures that talk about textiles and will be available to talk to folks about what happens to the textiles they donate. Additionally, ATRC will have several items to give away to folks as they come by.
Items Accepted: Not Accepted:
Clothing Shoes Fabric Yardage Upholstery Fabric
Scrap Fabric Rags Towels Sofa & Chair Cushions
Blankets Rugs Yarn Fabrics & Materials
Thread Rope Sheets contaminated with
Curtains Mixed Blend Fabrics Toys chemicals or oils
Small Housewares (non-breakable). Books (useable) Mattresses
Separate Containers for – City of Sherman
NOTE: All recycle must be sorted before arriving. Do not bring trash! No mixed bags will be accepted. No trailers. No tires, oil based paint or other household hazardous waste
Time: Separate Bins 9-4
Will be located on Elm St between Mulberry and Pecan
- Paper and newspaper
- Styrofoam, ink & toner cartridges
- #1, #2, & #5 Plastics, tin and aluminum food & beverage containers
- Plastic Bags (shrink film, dry cleaner bags, shopping bags (no food bags or contractors plastic).
Un–Acceptable Recycling
ReStore Habitat Truck – Habitat for Humanity
Time: 9-4
Household items, Home improvement supplies, Working small electrics
On The Festival Grounds
Eye Glasses – Sponsored by Sherman Noon Lion’s Club
Time 9-4
Both regular glasses and sunglasses are welcome. Look for their booth on the festival grounds.
Canning Jars – Holmes Family Rustic Kitchen
Time: 9-4
All sizes of canning jars may be recycled at their booth. Look for their booth on the festival grounds
Cell Phones – Sponsored by Sherman Evening Lion’s Club
Time 9-4
Need to recycle your old cell phones? Look for their booth on the festival grounds.